Resume - The power of Bilbo Baggins' ring of invisibility may have been underestimated, Gandalf the Grey fears its power even with his unfathomable magical abilities. As the power of the one Ring grows, so too do the armies of Sauron and Sarumon as their evil spreads across the lands of man, dwarf, and elf alike. It is up to a ragtag band of heroes to carry the ring to Mount Doom, the evil place of its birth, and cast it into the eternal fires that forged it. Does the fellowship have what it takes to complete its task, or will the powers of evil overcome those of good leaving behind a world ravaged by the rage of Sauron, the Dark Lord?;
Directed by - Peter Jackson;
Sean Bean;
release date - 2001;
Genres - Drama;
Fly you fools. The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring Watch. At 2:12 I suddenly thought about the shire, and the way it was before frodo got the ring, and I almost cried. At 4:55 I thought about the very end, when Sam closes the door, and I did cry. At 5:44 I thought about the riders of Rohan charging into battle, and I stood up and cheered! Then at 5:53 I fainted.
The song starting from minute 06:00. beautifull.
I never could mary someone who disliked this music.
Whenever I listen to this song, this song is really similar with the song “This is fathers world.”.
Such amazing music. My favourite trilogy of all time. Some people say harry potter is better, but I beg to differ for many years to come.
Many believe J.R.R. Tolkien came up with most of his ideas for the Lord Of The Rings series, which is why he said many fans just don't seem to understand the series. In fact, upon reading his journal, one can clearly see that most of his material was a retelling of Norse, Finnish, and some Celtic and Anglo-Saxon legends. He does an excellent job here of taking these many mythologies and stringing them together so seamlessly. Overall, one could say his version seems to insist this was the reality and the legends are just what has lived on of these epic events, which is probably the greatest achievement here as many are introduced to thousands of legends for inspiration and awe without even knowing it. It's a well played sign of respect to the story tellers of the days of old.
As for the film itself, it chronicles the first two books in the epic saga, Chronicling the adventures of Frodo Baggins, a hobbit in the shire, and how he learns from Gandalf, an old friend of his uncle Bilbo's, that his uncle's ring was forged by an ancient Warlord named Sauron to conquer the world and how he is now ready for resurrection, prompting a fellowship of warriors set to destroy the ring. Overall, I would recommend this to anyone who just loves a sense of the lost and forgotten, as the viewer seems filled with it by the end of this movie which displays so much of this world. If you are someone looking for inspiration to write a fantasy saga of your own, look no further than this epic retelling of many different legends. Overall, The Lord Of The Rings will be remembered as one of the greatest preservation of legend in history, which is by far it's greatest achievement.
2:28 - 2:30 6th Graders when someone says to them “your mom gay”
I think people underestimate Aragorns force of will as a man. People always talk about how Sam was the strongest will next to Frodo considering that he had the ring when he thought Frodo died and gave it back to him. But people forget that Sam hesitates because he already feels the will of the ring telling him not to give it to Frodo. Aragorn on the other hand does not show temptation when Frodo offers it to him. He closes Frodos hands in his own and forgos his chance to take it. Hes always feared becoming a twisted or oath breaker of a man like Isildor had become. Thats why hes always ran from his destiny. But that fear is what allowed him to become not just Isildors heir but Isildors better because he swept the dishonor from his familys name.
This actually reminds me of when I was little, riding my bike in the countryside, and hiding from the farmer at dusk as my friends and I sat atop the haystacks that where piled in rectangles about 10 feet high, and listened to the birds. I miss being young, it WAS just like being a hobbit - full of wonder and joy.
This was a fantastic film. The characters were perfectly casted. The scenery was stunning. Special effects were unparalleled. It was also perfectly adapted to the 21st century. What the movie lacked was character development. Having read the books I felt that the movie was moving at warp 9. I am used to having to read for hours for something to happen but the events in the movie were happening one right after the other. I felt that this series could have been made into six or seven movies starting with The Hobbit. Unless you read the books you wouldn't know what some of the references to the books meant. The Fellowship of the Ring, The Two Towers, and The Return of the King were each divided into 2 books. If they had made 6 movies there would have been enough time for character development. Six movies isn't all that ridiculous (Star Wars, Star Trek) especially since they were all filmed at the same time. I did like how Jackson toned down the Hobbits' overly sensitive nature that was portrayed in the books. I feel that along with Tom Bombadil wouldn't have been widely accepted by many viewers. Many kudos to the cast and crew of this movie.
The lord of the rings the fellowship of the ring watch online. A great deal of dialogue from the book is cut out in this scene. Among the lines that were cut out is Aragorn's response in which he says the Dunedain rangers also keep the lands of Middle-Earth safe, in response to Boromir's boast that Gondor alone holds Mordor at bay. Another change they made is that Aragorn is evasive in this scene about being Isildur's heir, asking Legolas to sit back down. In the book, when it is revealed that he is Isildur's heir, he proclaims that he will return to Minas Tirith. And shortly before the journey begins, Narsil is reforged into Anduril. But in the films that does not happen until Return of the King.
We can teach all about this movie within a few days. still, after decades, it can still surprise us. The prince of woodland relm found out what his father ment. the flames of war. 😁. Frodo's laugh has got to be the cutest thing ever!❤️❤️❤️. Wish I could live there forever. Sitting under a tree and reading a novel all day long. Nothing would be more beautiful and peaceful than this. Anyone else think this looked like an episode of the office😂😂😂. The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring watch online. Alright, then, keep your secrets. That line makes so much more sense in this version. I now understand why the dialogue in the theatrical release was so fast. It's because it was sloppily spliced together. I adopted an Australian accent after watching this, is that normal.
'Barely involved. marked Bilbo's door for the Dwarves to find, helped defeat a trio of trolls, helped the Dwarves reclaim Erebor from Smaug) yeah, right. The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring Watch online poker. Watches lord of the rings me: runs around my backyard barefoot for hours every day yelling “gandalf. The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring Watch online. One does not simply walk into Mordor when winter is coming. sorry, which medievalesque fantasy story am I briefly in before dramatically but heartwrendingly dying, again? Sean Bean. I love all his (brief) reincarnations. XD. This is so expensive.
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The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring Watch online ecouter. When I listen to this soundtrack, I feel like life-related problems are so meaningless and I can do anything with my life and eternity. I miss my friends that I never met before. Fluffy clouds. Sean Connery was given the roll of Gandalf. He refused, saying it was not a good script and he didn't understand it. I bet he is still sick about it... 3:15 Hahah idk why I laughed so hard now despite seeing this scene 100 times. 3:40 gives me goosebumps every time. A scene made with such loving care. Everything is perfect... the music, the acting, everything. I remember my kids were 5 and 7 when we went and saw this in the theater, and they sat through every bit of it without a problem. To this day, we still go to movies together. 4:48 a still painting made into a movie. Classic Tolkein artistic rendition.
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